How to use garlic to safely and efficiently control garden pests
Garlic is commonly found around the kitchen but is highly effective in controlling garden pests. Using garlic for pest control is easy and very safe.
Garlic is commonly found around the kitchen but is highly effective in controlling garden pests. Using garlic for pest control is easy and very safe.
Ants are usually regarded as pests but they do quite a bit of good in vegetable gardens and outdoor areas, and only rarely need to be controlled.
Snails and slugs can damage a vegetable garden overnight but you shouldn’t get completely rid of them either.
Adult ladybugs and their larvae are predators of many pest insects. Knowing what ladybug larvae and eggs look like will help you not mistake them as pests.
White cottony bugs on your vegetable plants? Here’s how to get rid and protect your plants from mealybugs.
Creating a biodiverse vegetable garden can make growing a lot of high-quality vegetables a lot easier.
Bees pollinating your vegetable plants will help you get more and better quality vegetables.
As their name suggests, millipedes and centipedes are arthropods with a lot of legs. Both millipedes and centipedes like dark moist environments and can usually be found under pots, logs, and large stones, in the garden. Millipedes have two sets of legs on each body segment, while centipedes have only one set of legs on […]
If you see any little white bugs flying around your vegetable plants and start to see your leaves turn yellow, you most probably are dealing with whiteflies. Whiteflies are highly damaging pests that cause massive economic losses for farmers and can similarly cause damage to your home vegetable garden. Despite this, whiteflies have a distinct […]
Knowing how to identify signs of aphids on your vegetable plants will help you to easily get rid of aphid infestations.